Weed Control Adelaide
Whether you have a residential property with lawns and garden beds, a vacant block, or a commercial location, Your Local Greenthumbz Gardeners Landscapers has the experience and skills required to permanently treat weeds. We specialise in weed spraying throughout Adelaide, whether you have bindi, clover, broadleaf, Kikuyu or couch, we can eradicate it for you and allow the plants you love to flourish. A lawn beetle/wetting agent and fertiliser package is available during the summer months.

Weed Control Service
When contemplating a weed management strategy, we suggest taking a proactive approach early to plan your treatment and allocate a specific budget, rather than waiting for issues to accumulate. Weeds are able to spread rapidly and can create environmental, economic, social, and aesthetic problems. Procrastination will only incur long-term costs.
We offer a practical weed control service which can assist with a simple cost-benefit analysis on different weed protection and management strategies. Together we can develop a customised strategy which best fits your property, time frame and lifestyle.
Local Eradication
If you have a smaller property with a well-defined weed problem, successful, local eradication can deliver permanent benefits for your area.
Crisis Management
If weed incursions are elevated and their impacts are obvious, you may decide to implement a crisis management program which incurs high, initial outlay without any future costs. While solving the immediate problem, the long term benefits are minimal. It’s best to initiate an ongoing, management solution.
Chemical Weed Control
Chemical management of weeds involves the use of herbicides which control weeds either by accelerating, halting, or changing the weed’s normal growth patterns. This is reflected in the weed’s leaves or stems drying out and the leaves falling off.
Often, the only practical and accurate method of managing certain weeds is to apply herbicide, considering the cost effectiveness and benefits. Naturally, it is critical to apply the appropriate product at the correct dosage for control of that particular weed, making pro
Types of herbicides:
- Broad spectrum– these are effective on a wide variety of weeds
- Selective– specifically for a narrow range of weeds
- Contact– these destroy weed tissue at or near the point of application
- Systemic– these can be injected into the weed, moving through the circulation system
- Residual– the root of the weed absorbs herbicide from the soil once applied