Your garden calendarYour Local Greenthumbz can provide the following services in your garden at the right time of year……consult our garden calendar to see when is the best time to book our services JANDead head roses, feed lawns FEBMulch, soil wetting, fertilise citrus trees, deadhead agapanthus MARFertilise and prune roses, prune hedges APRFertilise lawns and gardens, weed n feed MAYPlan for the growing months/ clean out gutters JUNPrune wisteria JULPrune roses, fruit trees and vines. Good time to relocate trees and shrubs if necessary, weed'n'feed lawns AUGFertilise roses, bulbs and citrus trees SEPMulch, fertilise lawn, good time to install watering systems / instant lawns OCTFertilise roses, prune hibiscus NOVMulch DECSpruce up the garden for Christmas!